Since the beginning of our history, the company has been a point of reference for the entire territory in which it operated, and still operates, not only in economic terms but above all towards the families who were most in need.
Today, as then, the value of support is alive more than ever. On February 9th, the ceremony for the delivery of the check to the State Police with the proceeds from the sales of products made by the Distillery together with the State Police took place at the headquarters of the Antica Distilleria Petrone.
The entire proceeds of 3,113 euros were donated to the "Marco Valerio" Police Assistance Plan, which helps the families of police officers with children affected by serious pathologies.
The project is part of the activities developed by Difesa Servizi SpA for the valorization of the Brands entrusted to it, which combines the value of experience with that of solidarity.
The check was delivered by Andrea Petrone, CEO of the company, directly into the hands of the police commissioner of Caserta, Antonino Messineo.
The partnership with Polizia di Stato is not only an added value for our line of “limited edition” liqueurs but represents the sharing of values and intentions to serve the community to which we belong, we are already strongly committed to increasing the economic contribution in favor of the “Marco Valerio” plan for the current year.