
Aeronautica Militare
Jan 28, 2023
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Italian Air Force, we have decided to dedicate a limited edition to the Air Force. 
flyer per sito e social di amarè dedicato al 150° anniversario del corpo degli alpini
Jun 08, 2022
In homage to the Alpine Corps, which in 2022 celebrates its 150th anniversary, the Caserta-based liqueur company Antica Distilleria Petrone has created a special edition.
Feb 11, 2022
Antica Distilleria Petrone and Giugiaro Architettura meet to create an unprecedented combination of liqueur
Liquore Polizia
Feb 01, 2022
A very original version of the Guappa liqueur with the commercial brand of the State Police .
Alviero Martini
Jan 17, 2021
The Petrone Distillates Collection “dressed” by the international designer Alviero Martini. The two realities
Jan 01, 2021
Noble natural bitter obtained from the infusion of only expertly selected herbs and plants Select